Our positive results are only possible because of our passionate and dedicated team. Scroll down to read more about our team members.
Our Khmer Team

Paul, Sao and family, Founder
Every family needs a mum and dad, and those roles fall to Paul and Sao. Paul is not only the founder, but also the creator and fearless leader of MCC. Fighting alongside Paul is his wife, Sao. She is a strong powerful woman, who stands with him, supports him, and helped him turn MCC into what it is today. They have four amazing children together, Jasmine, Fern, Holly and Sienbe. The Whole Family Now has Khmer Citizenship.

Rachana Thap, Executive director
Rachana first joined our team for her 6-month internship for her Environmental Science major at Pannasastra University of Cambodia. Rachana, together with three other interns, created the “Artificial Reef Team Project” for their final year project. She is now our amazing executive director. Passionate and determined, she is the future MCC leader!

Phalla Leng, Administrative Manager
Phalla has 14 years of experience working in Marine Conservation, she was involved the Creation of Cambodia’s first MFMA around the Koh Rong Archipelago, She Also worked on the creation of the Kampot MFMA.
Her experience and good relationships within the Local fishing communities is invaluable in helping to blend good management of protected areas with the needs of local communities.
She is experienced in marine research, and is involved with the training new generations of Cambodians in all aspects of Marine Conservation.

Tai Chen, Community Livelihoods & Oyster Project
I completed my bachelor’ degree in Fisheries Science at the Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia. Now I’m working in Community Livelihoods and Conservation in Kep and Kampot Province. I wish to pursue my passion for community and the Ocean, especially my interest in oysters and marine bivalves research and aquaculture. I set my goal to become a marine scientist to learn more about the ocean and find more experience to propose the other young generation and community who passion about the marine bivalves aquaculture and help to protect the ocean.

Samnang Ry, Deployment Team,
Dolphin Survey Team, Drone Operator
Nang is the medium boat captain. He has been with us since he was 14. He is a caring, happy, honest and loving person, making him simply a joy to be around. If Nang isn’t hanging out with the volunteers, you’ll find him relaxing in one of our hammocks and boats, flying the drone for dolphin sightings, or playing a game of beach volleyball.

Phon, Speed Boat Captain and Head of Construction
Phon is a man of few words, but that doesn’t stop him from getting involved and learning about the volunteers. Even with his limited English, it is easy to communicate with Phon. He is the speedboat captain, patroller, and the repairer of the many engines on the island.

Mao, Chef and Kitchen Master
Mao works hard in the kitchen to provide the whole MCC family with delicious food. Besides making everyone laugh, she is also on hand to braid your hair, cover your cuts and keep the whole island in line.

Kuyt, Second chef and Kitchen Master
Witty, kind, and a force to be reckoned with, Kuyt is Mao’s partner in crime in MCC’s kitchen team. She supports us not only with her culinary skills but also with her joyful and caring personality.

Sopheanie, Cambodian Dolphin Team Leader
After completing my bachelor degree in Environmental Science at Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia. I got such a great opportunity to be a part of the MCC family, which I wish to pursue my passion for nature and the ocean, in particular my special interest in dolphins and marine mammals. My goal is to learn more about the ocean, and in time pass on my acquired knowledge and experience to other students who share the same passion and wish to protect the marine environment.

Samphors Lor, Marine Research Coordinator
I graduated from the Royal University of Agriculture, majoring in Fisheries in Science. I was doing my bachelor thesis on Seaweed Taxonomy around Koh Ach Seh with MCC. During the time I’m there I have been learning a lot about the ocean which is blowing my mind.
Currently, I am working as Marine Research Coordinator, and also run a seaweed project at MCC. Besides from seaweed project, I am also involved with many projects such as the seagrass, dolphin, CANTS project, and community livelihoods projects, and I am excited to be a part of these projects and also MCC’s family.

Krabi, Deployment Team
Dolphin Survey Team
Krabi is full of fun and laughter. On top of his duties as a dolphin team member, he ensures the island is in full working order. Any problems and Krabi will fix it.

Tintin, Deployment Team
Dolphin Survey Team
Tin is Mao’s older brother, Originally tasked with looking after the boats. Now he’s an excellent Captain, He also has an Keen eye on a dolphin survey often being the first to spot them. Tins Bio is very short as he prefers to remain quietly watchful, though we know he’s deeper than Keps Ocean.

Ma Tu, Everyones favorite Senior
Ma Tu is Nang’s mom and lives with us on Koh Ach Seh. When she’s not helping out in the kitchen, she’s taking care of her newly planted garden as well as everyone around her. Always with a smile on her face, she brings joy and creates a homely atmosphere.

Nget, Rising Star
Nget: not only does she help in the kitchen, but she also keeps our outreach running smoothly with her clever humor and intelligence. Soon, she’ll be swapping her apron for fins as she joins our diving team!

Tear, Medium Boat Captain
Tear is not only our medium boat captain but also the designated comedian of the team. His contagious laughter and quirky personality will make every boat ride worth your while.

Tchong, Boat Boy
Tchong is the Youngest and boat boy of our team. Always equipped with a watermelon, a kind smile and a helping hand he makes sure that everyone is being taken care of on long survey days.

Jam, Island Maintenance
Jam is a man of few words, but his calming presence, kind smile, and diligence are the perfect counterparts to our island’s extroverts. Thanks to him, all of Koh Ach Seh’s daily tasks are efficiently taken care of, making him a vital part of MCC’s success.

Wen, Island Maintenance
Thanks to Wen and his cheeky personality, even the hardest tasks become fun. He takes care of all of MCC’s electrics and machinery, as well as providing us with air to breathe (underwater).

Trong Kam (Puppet), Dolphin Protector
I have been blessed with the opportunity to work and provide services for many organizations that have truly enriched my knowledge of the environment. Throughout my work history MCC has been my favorite. In my position as patrol team leader, my responsibilities included ensuring that no unlawful foreign vessels entered Cambodian waters and that no illicit fishing occurred within the restricted conservation zone by coordinating with fisheries, marine police and communities. Now my task is to protect the Dolphins.

Vicheka, Dolphin Project Leader
Vicheka is our Swiss Army knife, fluent in Khmer, English, and French, spreading joy across all languages. With an MSc in Biodiversity, Ecology, and Evolution, focusing on tropical biodiversity, he is the perfect addition to our research team.
Our International Team

Tanguy Freneat, Much More than just a Financial Manager
Tanguy studied Political Sciences at the University of Toulouse in France. When he’s not underwater building artificial reefs he is busy keeping finances in order. Tanguy is pragmatic, dedicated and does so much more than anyone notices, he keeps the cogs of MCC turning and looks after all of the team always keeping on top of all the big and small jobs that keep MCC running.

Billy Brebner, Diving Instructor & Safety Officer
Billy describes himself as the village idiot who has found his village. More than our fantastic diving instructor on the island, his enthusiasm and wicked sense of humor keeps us all entertained and inspired. Reliable and all-round handy man, he is a much loved team member, the life and soul of any party, and the underwater champion.

Simon Retif, Cartographer
I am the MCC GIS coordinator, and a professional diver. I use all the data MCC collects from each of its projects to make maps in a way that can be used for both reporting and adaptive marine management. When I have time out of the computer I am also involved in different projects such as the seagrass project, the CANT project and many more.
Keep this picture in mind because soon I’ll be bald.

Becky Chambers, Lead Scientist, MCC’s Cambodian Marine Mammal Conservation Project
I first joined MCC in 2018 for a year abroad in my undergrad degree. After finishing my MSc in Marine Conservation I’m now back to head up the Cambodian Marine Mammal Conservation Project. I’m so excited to have the opportunity to use science to directly impact conservation efforts and collaborate with the other teams here at MCC. I also help out with some of the dive training. When I’m not diving, surveying or researching I’m usually painting or making something.

Sebastian Munoz, Co Lead Scientist
Sebastian came to us all the way from Colombia, with extensive experience in Passive Acoustic Monitoring on fish and a number of great publications to his name. Sebastian’s calm, relaxed, and methodical approach is not only great for our team but also for the Khmer students who look up to him as a mentor.