Kep Archipelago Marine Fisheries Management Area (MFMA) was Approved after 4 years of hard work, frustration, struggle and passion from MCC’s dedicated team. The MFMA was nationally proclaimed in April 2018. This was a huge step forward for the protection of the Kep Archipelago, and for Cambodia.

The Kep Marine Fisheries Management Area (MFMA), established in April 2018, is a significant marine protected area off the coast of Kep Province, Cambodia. Spanning approximately 11,354 hectares, the MFMA encompasses critical habitats such as Coral reefs, Sea-grass beds, and Benthic Habitats crucial to a healthy ecosystem, all of which are vital for the region’s biodiversity and the livelihoods of local communities.
Purpose and Objectives
The primary aims of the Kep MFMA include:
- Habitat Protection, Rehabilitation and Restoration : Protecting habitats using a holistic ecosystem and nature based solutions approach to protection and restoration of critical habitats such as Sea-grass beds and Coral Reefs.
- Conservation of Marine Biodiversity: Protecting endangered species such the Irrawaddy dolphin, dugong, sea turtles, and seahorses. Whilst also restoring Crucial Fisheries resources for local fishing communities like the Iconic Blue Swimmer Crab.
- Sustainable Fisheries Management: Ensuring responsible fishing practices to enhance the livelihoods of local communities and prevent over-fishing.
- Prevention of Illegal Fishing Activities: Implementing measures to combat destructive practices such as bottom trawling, which have historically damaged marine ecosystems.
Zoning and Regulations
The MFMA is divided into specific zones, each with tailored regulations to balance conservation efforts with sustainable use:
- Conservation Areas (112 ha): Strictly protected zones where activities harmful to marine life are prohibited, allowing ecosystems to thrive undisturbed.
- Fisheries Refugia (420 ha): Designated zones where fishing is restricted during critical periods to protect spawning and juvenile growth stages of key species.
- Fisheries Protected Areas (10,040 ha): Zones permitting controlled activities like ecotourism and family-scale fishing that do not harm the environment.
- Recreational and Research Areas (405 ha): Areas reserved for activities such as diving, snorkeling, and scientific research, with all forms of fishing prohibited to maintain ecological balance.
Collaborative Management and Achievements
The establishment and ongoing management of the Kep MFMA result from collaborative efforts between the Royal Government of Cambodia, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF), local authorities, Marine Conservation Cambodia (MCC), and the local fishing communities. This partnership has led to significant achievements, including:
- Deployment of Fisheries Production Structures and Anti-Trawling Devices: To deter illegal trawling and increase Bio-mass and Biodiversity fisheries productivity & anti-trawling structures have been installed throughout the MFMA. by MCC, contributing to significant recovery of marine habitats.
- Habitat Restoration Efforts: Comprehensive mapping and monitoring have documented the recovery of sea-grass meadows and coral reefs, essential for supporting diverse marine life.
- Community Engagement and Education: Ongoing programs aim to educate local communities about sustainable practices, ensuring long-term conservation success.
The Kep MFMA serves as a model for integrated marine resource management, demonstrating how collaborative efforts can lead to the preservation of biodiversity and the promotion of sustainable livelihoods.
As the driving force behind its creation, MCC is officially part of the provincial technical Working Group and management committee tasked with making this MFMA a success.
Our active roles, include demarcation, combatting IUU, Research, Restoration, community outreach and general support to the department of fisheries conservation on many aspects of the ongoing management plan.
Kep MFMA has also been Recognised by Sylvia Earl as a Mission Blue Hope Spot.